Help Us Empower Lives with IDs

The Importance of IDs for the Homeless

Imagine being unable to secure a job, rent a home, or receive medical care—all because you lack an ID. This is a harsh reality for many people experiencing homelessness. Without an ID, essential services and opportunities remain out of reach, trapping individuals in a cycle of poverty and instability. An ID is more than just a piece of plastic; it is a lifeline, a first crucial step towards reclaiming one’s life and working towards ending homelessness.

How Homeless ID Project Makes a Difference

At Homeless ID Project, we are dedicated to helping those in need obtain the identification they require to access basic services and opportunities. Your support can make a real, tangible difference in the lives of these individuals. By donating to our cause, you are helping provide the essential documentation needed for housing, healthcare, and employment. The impact of your generosity is profound: 70% of our clients use the documents they receive to secure housing, 67% use them to gain employment, and more than 40% use them to obtain medical care.

The Impact of Your Donation

Every donation brings us closer to our goal of empowering lives and ending homelessness. Your contribution can help open doors for someone who has been shut out for too long. By giving them the tools they need to rebuild their lives, you give them hope and a chance for a brighter future.

How You Can Help

Click here to help us today. Together, we can open doors and empower lives, one ID at a time. Your support matters more than ever. Thank you for making a difference. 💪🌟

Of course, there are always other ways to help. We would love to show you around and see if our office might make a good volunteer experience for you. Sign up to take a tour today and learn more here!


conflicted? with homeless id project logo. a man holding a sign asking for help

What’s Working to Empower Homeless

Join Us for the Homeless ID Project 1000 Voices Breakfast on October 4, 2024

Feeling Conflicted?

We often encounter homeless individuals and feel torn between wanting to help and fearing a scam. What can we do? How can we really help? More importantly, how can we empower the homeless population to end their own homelessness?

Are you at a crossroads?

Are you ready to take action? Are you ready to join us in finding sustainable ways to empower the homeless population in Arizona? Here at Homeless ID Project, we are not merely giving out IDs, we are giving folks the critical documents needed to end their homelessness. Won’t you join us?

Make a Difference

Join us on 10/4, for the Homeless ID Project 1000 Voices Breakfast. This event is dedicated to raising awareness and providing actionable ways to support those experiencing homelessness.

Event Highlights

  • Hear Real Stories: Listen to firsthand accounts from those who have experienced homelessness and be inspired to take action.

  • Learn and Engage: Understand the challenges of homelessness and discover practical ways to help.

  • Connect with the Community: Join a network of compassionate individuals working to create meaningful change.

Why Attend?

By attending, you’ll contribute to our mission of providing essential IDs for accessing services, employment, and housing. Your participation helps empower those in need. Be part of what is working to empower the homeless in Phoenix!

Join Us

Overcome feelings of conflict and uncertainty by educating yourself and taking informed actions. Join us on October 4, 2024, to support and uplift those in need.

Event Details:

  • Date: October 4, 2024

  • Time: 8 am 

  • Location: Arizona Country Club

For more information and to register, click here.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Help Our Homeless: On The Frontlines

Notes from the Campus

You are likely here because you can no longer turn a blind eye to the growing problems our homeless population faces on the street. You are ready to be part of the solution and do what you can to help our homeless population.

We invite you to our little corner of the Key Campus. What we are doing at Homeless ID Project is impactful, measurable, and most importantly, sustainable. We’re making a difference in tangible ways. We’re doing something real here!

To help is human

Some time ago the New York Times reported on a group of biologists who concluded that babies (i.e. little human beings, too young to have been trained) are innately sociable and helpful to others. The study showed that babies and toddlers have an altruistic nature at their core. Though I’m not a biologist, I would agree. I see such behavior every day in human beings of all ages. We humans want to help. So, it makes sense that we want to help our homeless community, doesn’t it?

When I get off the freeway and see a person in apparent distress, I want to help. They are looking for cash (per their sign) and I know that my cash will help best elsewhere – but that doesn’t stop me from reacting. It turns out, it is human to drive away feeling conflicted because humans are wired to help (so say the aforementioned biologists and so say I).

A blonde haired woman in a black baseball cap in focus holding papers and talking to a group of clients

How can you help our homeless population today?

The Key Campus (formerly the Human Services Campus) and each of its partners, including Homeless ID Project, are good places to help. There are opportunities to help, large, small, and anywhere in between. Everything from a bottle of water to a very large check is both needed and appreciated. Volunteers are always needed. I promise that whatever help you are able to provide will make a difference and will be sincerely appreciated.

If you are looking for a way to help our homeless population and don’t know where to help, start here by signing up for a tour of the Campus. The tour will take about an hour or so on a weekday morning. For most, this time spent with us lands somewhere between inspirational and life-changing. You’ll see many ways and places to help. It may even resuscitate your faith in humanity.

a man with short greying hair with a grey tee shirt and the words 'on the right track: Elton' and a homeless id project logo in the top corner with a white border

Client Success Story: Elton

Elton is on the right track

Elton’s journey with us began after his backpack was stolen while living on the streets, leaving him without his essential identification. Currently, Elton is staying at CASS following a hospital stay to manage his diabetes, a condition that has been particularly challenging given his circumstances. Despite the hardships he has faced, Elton’s resolve is unwavering.

The tragic death of his wife due to drug-related issues spurred him to reclaim his life from the grip of addiction. A back injury initially led to his addiction, but now, more than ever, Elton is determined to overcome these challenges and build a better future. Reflecting on his past, Elton says, “Drug addiction took everything worth having from me. It took my wife, my job, my money, my house, my family, everything. I am motivated to get out of this place and never come back.”

Elton has been at CASS for just two days, but he is already making the most of the resources available to him. He expresses deep gratitude for the support he has received, highlighting the Homeless ID Project as a “vital first step” in his journey toward stability and recovery. Through this project, Elton received a Safe Wallet, which he will use to keep his documents secure, ensuring he never has to experience the loss of his important papers again. “Homeless ID Project and everyone else here at the Campus are helping me more than they know. It’s a vital first step you are offering here,” Elton shared.

Elton is working closely with St. Joseph the Worker, utilizing their services to prepare for employment and stability. He is patiently waiting for all his documents to be processed so he can travel to Idaho to stay with his brother and work for him during the summer months ahead.

Elton’s story is a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact that community support and resources can have on individuals striving to overcome adversity. 💼🔑

How can you help?

Helping us help clients like Elton is easy. You can visit our donation page or text HIDP to 44321. Just $12 a month is all it takes to provide and ID for those desperate to end their homelessness. 

Partnerships Matter

Celebrating Our Partnership with Community Bridges Inc. As We Wrap Up Mental Health Awareness Month

As we wrap up observing Mental Health Awareness Month in May, it is an ideal time to highlight one of the invaluable partnerships that helps us support our community more effectively. One partnership that stands out is our collaboration with Community Bridges Inc. (CBI). At Homeless ID Project, we are grateful for the incredible support and cooperation we receive from CBI. Their dedication to providing critical mental health support to our mutual clients is truly commendable.

Community Bridges is a key player in offering comprehensive behavioral health services, including substance abuse treatment, crisis intervention, and mental health support. Their mission aligns closely with our goal at the Homeless ID Project: to assist individuals experiencing homelessness in obtaining the identification documents they need to access essential services, secure employment, and achieve stability. Working in tandem, we can offer a more holistic approach to support, addressing not just the logistical challenges our clients face but also their mental health needs.

How do our partnerships work?

When clients come to us in need of identification but also show signs of needing mental health support, we can confidently refer them to CBI. Conversely, CBI can refer clients to us when they require identification services. This seamless exchange ensures that individuals receive timely and appropriate support tailored to their needs.

The impact of our partnership cannot be overstated. Mental health challenges are prevalent among individuals experiencing homelessness, often exacerbated by the stress and instability of their circumstances. By working together, Homeless ID Project and CBI create a safety net that addresses both the practical and psychological aspects of homelessness. This integrated approach is essential in helping individuals regain control of their lives and work towards long-term stability.

As we close out Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to extend a special thank you to our partners at CBI. Their readiness to assist and their unwavering commitment to mental health make a significant difference in the lives of our mutual clients. They provide a critical layer of support that complements our efforts, ensuring that individuals receive the comprehensive care they deserve.

How do I get in on this partnership?

We encourage everyone to recognize the importance of mental health support and the role it plays in the broader context of homelessness. Join us in expressing gratitude to Community Bridges Inc. for their continued partnership and dedication. Together, we are making strides towards a more supportive and inclusive community as we work to give people the tools they need to end their homelessness.

Thank you, CBI, for being an indispensable partner in our mission. Let’s continue to work together to make a difference, not just this May, but every day of the year.

We encourage you to come down and take a tour of the campus to see our partnerships in action!

a woman with glasses smiling and text that reads "New partnership" Stand Together And Recover" with a Homeless ID Project logo in the top corner

New Partnerships

Stand Together And Recover

Spotlight on Jessica and the Power of Partnerships 🌟

We had the pleasure of meeting an incredible woman named Jessica on our campus recently. She shared her inspiring journey and highlighted the importance of partnerships through STAR.

Here at the Homeless ID Project, we firmly believe that homelessness is not an inevitable reality. It can be ended, but this requires collaboration with many other organizations. Jessica is a testament to this belief. Four years ago, she moved to Arizona and courageously broke free from drug addiction. Once she began her recovery journey and felt stable, she knew she had to give back to the community. That’s where STAR (Stand Together And Recover) came in.

Jessica has been working as a peer mentor for the past two years. She constantly hears from those she helps that lacking an ID is a significant barrier to employment, housing, education, medical care, and more. IDs are the key to opening doors to opportunities that can transform lives.

Jessica loves working at Stand Together And Recover because they share our belief in the power of collaboration. She feels that #CollaborationIs🔑 when it comes to ending homelessness. Her dedication and passion inspire us all to continue our mission with renewed vigor.

Jessica’s story is a powerful reminder of why our work is so important. Every day, we encounter individuals who are ready to turn their lives around but are held back by the lack of a simple document. An ID is more than just a piece of plastic; it’s a key to accessing essential services and opportunities that can lead to a stable and fulfilling life.

Join us in this vital work. Your support helps us break down barriers and build a brighter future for those in need. Together, we can provide the critical support needed to help individuals like Jessica achieve their dreams and contribute positively to our community.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Together, we can end homelessness and empower lives. 💪🌟

#HomelessIDProject #EndHomelessness #EmpowerLives #SupportAndGive #CommunitySupport #Hope #Change #HelpingHands #Inspiration #Partnerships #DonateToday #CollaborationIs